Monday, August 22, 2011

So its official, I'm "The Nana"

Its been over a month since I've put my thoughts on here! And I have to says its been the most amazing month!  Yes, I have become a "Nana" to the most beautiful baby girl!  And now I can say that I know exactly what everyone was talking about.  Being a grandmother is amazing! There is really nothing else like it. 
We all remember the overwhelming love we felt when we held our first child.  And then we have a second, and just before, we wonder how we can ever love another so much, and yet we do!  Our hearts just seem to get bigger and bigger and we can love all of our children the same.
And then our children have babies.  Imagine the love you have for your child, and then imagine that child having a child... its like double the love!  This precious little bundle of joy has come from the very person that you created. 
How can it get any better?  I actually cannot get enough of her.  When I am with her, I can't take my eyes off her.  And I know that every mother, every grandmother think their babies are the most precious things in the world, but mine REALLY is!!!! 
Okay, so there are a lot of grandmas out there willing to fight me on this one, but thats okay.  Perhaps we are ALL right!  Beauty, after all, is in the eye of the beholder.  Of course, MY granddaughter is truly the most beautiful little girl in the world!   Well, next to her Mommy and her Aunty, of course. 

I am so happy to finally have figured out what all these Grandmas have been talking about!  It is the MOST AMAZING THING IN THE WORLD!!!!


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